Help me grow!
I am probably the most non-fussy plant you ever came across! I need moderate, consistent watering and high humidity levels. Allow the top inch of my soil to dry before you quench my thirst again. As far as soil is concerned, I need a peat-based potting soil mix that is well-drained. Keep trimming me from time to time to make my appearance bushier.
- I notice circular, damaged spots on the leaves of my Peperomia. What could be the reason?
These spots could be due to a virus called ringspot. Remove the damaged leaves and improve the air circulation around me. This condition is difficult to cure. - My Peperomia has soggy stems and yellow leaves. Why is this happening?
This could be due to overwatering. Be careful of the frequency of watering me. Let my top soil dry out first.
Ruby Ripple Peperomia
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